
Game of Thrones Series Review (Contains Spoilers of Both Season 1 and 2)

Even after re-reading the books three times you will still be able to find new connections and clues about what might be coming for the following season. Just a kind advice for all of you who decided to read this regardless of the spoiler advice, George R.R Martin really likes to kill people, so do not get attached to a main actor. In this article we will be discussing several characters from my perspective from both the books and the series although this article will be mostly series based. So we will start of with the 'hero' of season one; Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Eddard is an honourable man, rarely you will find him making decisions which are not for the good of the empire, regardless of his own health. The character was amazingly represented by Sean Bean (Known from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) every emotion is as you would imagine it to be for a man of his status. Although he is forced into certain situations he never wanted to be in in the first place he al

A Game of Thrones: The Lannisters

The most powerful and feared man in all of Westeros,Tywin Lannister was the Hand of the King. He once led the Lannister armies against the Stark armies of the north and was awarded the title of "Savior of the City" after his victory against Stannis Baratheon at the Battle of the Blackwater. He was the patriarch of the Lannister house and was willing to do anything at all, moral or not, to preserve the proud family name. Tywin was killed by his son Tyrion. Jaime, the eldest son of Tywin, is a knight of the Kingsguard. Unbeknownst to his father, Jaime carries on an incestuous relationship with his twin sister Cersei, the queen mother. After his slaying of King Aerys, the "Mad King", he became known as the "Kingslayer", much to his chagrin. He also pushed young Bran Stark, son of Eddard, out of a tower window after Bran had witnessed he and Cersei having sex. After the war begins between the Starks and the Lannisters, Jaime is captured in battle but l

Game Of Thrones: TV Fantasy for Grown Ups

The series starts off in a wintery forest north of a huge wall that separates the untamed north from the "civilised" land known as the seven kingdoms. The Wall was built to keep out the creatures that are supposed to emerge from the northern forests during particularly hard, decade long, winters. But they have not been seen in a thousand years and most people think of them as being just legends. However, in the first scene we see they are not. Undead creatures with a hatred for all living things. The first few minutes shows dismembered bodies of men, women and children and then one of the undead beheading a ranger from south of the wall on a scouting mission. Harry Potter this ain't. Most of the series concerns three families. The dour but noble Starks headed by Sean Bean (Surely he must be a dab hand at the swordplay at this stage.) The Lannisters headed by Lena Headley. She is queen to Robert Baratheon, a once proud warrior and friend of Ned Stark (Bean) who is

6 Game Of Thrones Halloween Costume Ideas

The Game of Thrones TV series has really taken off in the past year. It features a huge range of unique characters, which means that there are many, many costume options available to you if you choose this theme. Here are six of the most notable. Eddard "Ned" Stark Ned Stark is one of the most famous characters from the Game of Thrones TV series, and one of the most popular Halloween costume choices for men. His clothing is simple in color, but complex in its detail. He wears a brown leather tunic with a holder for his sword. Over the top he often wears a thick fur cloak to keep warm as winter draws ever closer. Catelyn Stark If your significant other is going as Ned Stark, why not choose the Catelyn Stark costume for yourself? Catelyn usually wears her hair half up, half down, and her outfit matches her husband's in many ways. She wears simple, natural-colored dresses underneath a thick fur coat. Khal Drogo If you've got the physique for it then why

Game of Thrones Taps Into Our Violent DNA and We Love It

I am late to HBO's Game of Thrones. I usually hate getting into a series well after a number of seasons have already been produced and unleashed onto the viewing public. I feel like I am wearing clothes that are outdated, ugly, and unfashionable. Yet, armed with my HBOGO subscription and some free time on my hands, I began watching the acclaimed series. It immediately sucked me into its world of intrigue, double crossing, and frightening violence. The show interweaves our understanding of a medieval world, with its lords, ladies, honor, and code, with elements of a violent horror story. Much of the show reminds of me of my studies in medieval history, with the emphasis on royal justice, competing interests from other royal families, and the lives of the peasants, who have their own version of life equally as rich as those of their social superiors. In the visually shocking episode, titled "A Golden Crown," the young dragon prince known as Viserys Targaryen met h

Top Ten Game of Thrones Moments You Won't Want to Miss on HBO

On April 17th, HBO will launch a new fantasy series, Game of Thrones. It is based on George R.R. Martin's book series A Song of Ice and Fire. Here are the top 10 moments a viewer unfamiliar with the books really shouldn't miss. I'll try to get into the skin of somebody who has never seen the show before. The order could be interchangeable, but I tried to get the top 10 moments. If you are unfamiliar with the books, these 10 things will be sure to keep you glued to your chair week after week when the show starts: This does contain some spoilers, so read at your own risk. 10. Bran's fall This should be the first big WTF moment for the casual observer and potentially the thing to get somebody hooked on the show. It happens at the end of the first episode and will leave you gaping in disbelief. 9. Death of Lady By this point the bond with the direwolves is pretty strong, so this should be quite shocking. It will leave the more emotional on the verge of tea

A Game of Thrones: Genesis Review

A Game of Thrones: Genesis is a fabulous medieval tale, or so we're told by the developers. For those who like strategy games this one is different to the usual in that there is a lot more politics and backbiting than swords and war. The storyline is filled with depth and reminds us a lot of corporate backstabbing, bribery and seduction. Unfortunately, for those who love the action of conquering enemies and defeating nations, there is very little content to support their bloodlust. In Genesis you attain victory over other houses mainly through underhand means. There are plenty of methods to use as a weapon. Lying, secret alliances, propaganda, false accusations are just some of the nefarious methods employed to attain your goals. You don't need to use your own military force to conquer. Simply resort to trickery using spies, assassins and the like. You can influence neutral cities by spreading lies and disinformation, like NATO is currently doing in Libya, Iraq and Afgh