Game of Thrones Series Review (Contains Spoilers of Both Season 1 and 2)

Even after re-reading the books three times you will still be able to find new connections and clues about what might be coming for the following season. Just a kind advice for all of you who decided to read this regardless of the spoiler advice, George R.R Martin really likes to kill people, so do not get attached to a main actor. In this article we will be discussing several characters from my perspective from both the books and the series although this article will be mostly series based. So we will start of with the 'hero' of season one; Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Eddard is an honourable man, rarely you will find him making decisions which are not for the good of the empire, regardless of his own health. The character was amazingly represented by Sean Bean (Known from the Lord of the Rings trilogy) every emotion is as you would imagine it to be for a man of his status. Although he is forced into certain situations he never wanted to be in in the first place he al...