Top Ten Game of Thrones Moments You Won't Want to Miss on HBO

On April 17th, HBO will launch a new fantasy series, Game of Thrones. It is based on George R.R. Martin's book series A Song of Ice and Fire. Here are the top 10 moments a viewer unfamiliar with the books really shouldn't miss.
I'll try to get into the skin of somebody who has never seen the show before. The order could be interchangeable, but I tried to get the top 10 moments. If you are unfamiliar with the books, these 10 things will be sure to keep you glued to your chair week after week when the show starts:
This does contain some spoilers, so read at your own risk.
10. Bran's fall
This should be the first big WTF moment for the casual observer and potentially the thing to get somebody hooked on the show. It happens at the end of the first episode and will leave you gaping in disbelief.
9. Death of Lady
By this point the bond with the direwolves is pretty strong, so this should be quite shocking. It will leave the more emotional on the verge of tears.
8. The prologue
That first glimpse of the White Walkers should be enough to get a few fantasy lovers hooked. This is one of the few really fantasy based elements in the show, so it should not cause the people who dislike fantasy to turn away from the show either.
7. Jon coming to the Wall
The first look upon the Wall should not only be spectacular, it's bound to make me gasp as well. The wall guards the rest of the world from the lands on the far north. It is 700 feet high, spans through a continent and is made completely of ice, manned by the Night's watch.
6. Dany get's "reborn"
After losing everything and stepping in the fire, she gains everything instead. Three dragons, thought to be extinct are hatched from eggs that were turned to stone.
5. Cersei, Dany and various other women
Showing of certain parts of the woman's body... let's face it, it should appeal to the average adult male. The show is not shy when it comes to sex, not to mention violence, rough language or worse. There is nothing cliché about this show.
4. Ned's demise
We all know what that means. Another huge WTF moment. This is not a story where the good guys are safe. Any character can be killed off at any time for any reason or none at all.
3. Arya's water dancing
Arya should be a fan favorite and when she starts her lessons, the audience should rejoice. The adorable Maisie Williams doesn't want to be a high-born lady, so she rather learns to fence.
2. All the little schemes of King's Landing
The plot is more than engaging. Even though this is marked as fantasy, there is no good vs. evil. Everybody is gray at best.
1. King in the north
A huge crowd starting up a chant for a boy who won a battle... This could be similar to Braveheart if they pull it off.
To find out more about the show or anything else related to George R.R. Martin, visit []

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